Friday, January 4, 2008

Santa Monica 2 San Angelo

Check out our music video for 2007

The music video is in lieu of a traditional Christmas card... so, Merry (late) Christmas!!! It's basically a great way to show you a gazillion more pictures of our adorable son! Now I will re-cap very quickly our 2007 and the end of 2006. Roman was born December 4, 2006 and this past year has been full of him and his adventures. Eric graduated from USC Dental School, we joined the United States Air Force (and I did write WE because this is absolutely a joint effort), moved from Santa Monica, CA to San Angelo, TX, and are adjusting to our new life in Texas. Enjoy the video... Eric put a lot of work into it and I think it's awesome!!! Also, look below at some of Eric's recent pictures. I think he really has an eye. Much love to you all!


Beto and Laura Perez Speaks said...

Your video is amazing! We love you guys and miss you so much (well, me more than beto since he's never met you, but trust me,if he'd met you he'd miss you for sure!)
Happy New Year!
Mrs. Perez