Friday, September 21, 2007

Welcome to San Angelo

Howdy Friends and Family! We have been living in sunny (and we do mean sunny) San Angelo for about two months now. Time has really flown by, but we finally have our long promised blog up and running. This will be a fun and easy way to keep you abreast of our Texan stories and lives. Let's begin with a few Texanisms that we have noticed:
1. People say "fixin'" not to refer to fixing a faucet or fixing a car, but as in 'going to do something'... for example, "I'm fixin' to buy some groceries." Strange use of the English vocabulary, yet a common colloquialism here.
2. People really do say "ya'll" ALL the time!
3. EVERYBODY listens to country music! They look at us like we are the freaks for not knowing who the country music artists are.
4. There is absolutely no traffic. You can literally get across town in 15 minutes.
5. All of my errands that would take me a couple of days to accomplish in Santa Monica, will take me a couple of hours in San Angelo.
6. People think we are a little snobby because we hire a gardener and a housecleaner. Imagine that! In Santa Monica we all hired housecleaners for our tiny apartments, let alone our homes.
7. A plus: Texas BBQ rocks! In fact, just this evening we went to Packsaddle BBQ and a complete stranger bought our meal because Eric was in his BDU's (which is a military acronym for Battle Dress Uniform).
8. It really is true that the Baptists want to beat the Methodists and Churches of Christ to Luby's Cafeteria. We went to a Baptist church and the preacher actually said that joke from the podium. I thought Eric was just making that up, but I guess it really is a joke around here.
9. Texans love BIG vehicles (big trucks, big SUV's)... Their vehicles are so important to them that they have drive-thru everything. Drive-thru dry cleaners, drive-thru party barn, drive-thru coffee, and Sonic (which I had previously never eaten at) is seemingly on every corner.
10. Texans are genuinely nice! Being from Los Angeles, the first few Texans who greeted me in such a vigorous manner I quickly shut down with my body language thinking that they wanted to sell me somethin. But I have since learned that they are just REALLY friendly!
11. Texans love babies! Complete strangers will literally come up and try to take your baby out of your arms.
12. There is a reason why Texas is the largest state in the continental U.S.... it has to be big enough to contain the HUGE bugs, spiders, scorpions, and snakes! We have killed 7 scorpions in our home and I caught Roman playing with dead bugs on two occassions in our home... disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nugget said...

I WANT that picture of Roman and Eric doing pushups!!!!!!!!!!!! and what do you mean 7 scorpions?? I thought it was only 3 :) love, mom

Victoria said...

I can hardly wait to fly 4 hours to Dallas and then drive another 5 hours to San Angelo to visit ya'll and the scorpions. Do they take reservations at Luby's Cafe'?